Action Figure Fight

Back in 2010, my little cousin Gio left his action figures over my place while he was out with his mom. They were planning on coming back that night for dinner, so I knew I had at least a couple hours to make a cool stop motion video with his toys. When they came back, I told him his guys came to life. Of course he didn’t believe me at first… that is until I showed him. His jaw dropped to the floor and he didn’t know what to do with himself. For the next few years I don’t think he ever looked at action figures the same again… and neither did I.

This stop motion was the first one I’d ever done where I was able to utilize more fps (frames per second), allowing for smoother movements. Before this, I had nothing but a camcorder– so the only way to do stop motion was to press record and pause really fast. No matter how fast I hit that button, I was lucky if a sequence was 3 fps. Now I shoot anywhere from 12 to 24 fps, which is standard in stop motion. This video was hands down a turning point in my love for stop motion.